- Title
- Brocks Creek mining settlement
- Place
- Australia - Northern Territory - Brock's Creek
- Title
- Brocks Creek mine
- Description
1. Old Chinese pump, 2. No.1 whip shaft, 3. No.2 whip shaft, 4. No.3 whip shaft, 5. New shaft and tramway, 6. Timber shacks, 7. Manager's house and offices, 8. Old pumping engine, 9. Sawmill, 10. Dam, 11. Huts for Europeans, 12. Tramline to railway.
- Type
- Form
- Print has numbers marked on it.
- Control
- CP 192
- Source
Timothy G. Jones Personal photographs of Arltunga, Brocks Creek, Maranboy and Chinese activities in Darwin, 1879-1959, 1879 - 1959, NTRS 234; Northern Territory Archives Service, Darwin Branch. Details
Related Subjects
See also
Created: 20 June 2006, Last modified: 18 August 2006