- Title
- Jack Lee (left), Arthur Lee junior (right) and their brother-in-law Edward Kwong (middle), probably in Darwin or North Queensland, 1920s
- Date
- 1920s
- Place
- Australia - Northern Territory - Darwin (Palmerston)
- Title
- Jack Lee (left), Arthur Lee junior (right) and their brother-in-law Edward Kwong (middle), probably in Darwin or North Queensland, 1920s
- Date
- 1920s
- Type
- Print (front)
- Control
- P00894 SH009 DJG6
- Source
Selina Hassan collection, SH; Chinese Museum (Museum of Chinese Australian History). Details
- Rights
- Reproduction rights owned by the Chinese Museum
- Type
- Print (back)
- Source
Selina Hassan collection, SH; Chinese Museum (Museum of Chinese Australian History). Details
Related Subjects
See also
Created: 12 February 2003, Last modified: 18 August 2006