- Title
- Heung Shan Gong Hui (Hong Shan society) picnic
- Date
- 1920s - 1930s
- Place
- Australia - Victoria - Melbourne - Aspendale?
- Title
- Large group of people with a banner written in Chinese
- Description
Translation of banner is: 'Hong (Heung - old style) Shan Gong Hui' which is the old name for the Zhongshan Gong Hui (Zhongshan society). Small characters on the banner indicate that it is the Melbourne society. Fashions suggest the photograph was taken in the 1920s, possibly as late as 1930.
Person seated far right with hat, looks like Mee Hou Ah Mouy (youngest son of Louis Ah Mouy). Mee Hou was a leader of the Chinese community at the time. One of the Chen brothers (probably George Chen Wing Dann) 3rd row from rear and 6 from the right. Ruby Chinn 2nd row from front, 3rd from right.
Not all the people in the photograph are Zhongshan people because the Ah Mouys are from Toi San and the Chens are from Xin Hui.
The photograph is probably taken at Aspendale by the beach. Common for Chinese community picnics to be held there from c1900 to c1950. The nature of the grass and trees looks like coastal scrub.
- Type
- Print (front)
- Form
- Black and white photograph.
- Control
- P00303
- Source
Chinese Museum copies of selected holdings at State Library of Victoria; Chinese Museum (Museum of Chinese Australian History). Details
Copy of LTA 383 f.18. H81.201/18. 89.9.5 held by the State Library of Victoria.
- Type
- Print (back)
- Source
Chinese Museum copies of selected holdings at State Library of Victoria; Chinese Museum (Museum of Chinese Australian History). Details
Related Subjects
Corporate Bodies
- Ah Mouy, Mee How (1887 - 1977)
- Chen, George Wing Dann
- Chinn, Ruby (Tue Gnoak) (c. 1903 - c. 1944)
- unidentified females
- unidentified males
See also
Created: 12 February 2003, Last modified: 22 July 2005